Lucky Pro Evo 5.0 2017 - Scooter Deck


If you've chosen a griptape to go with your deck and need it put on, just select the wanted option below. Know that modifications are final, and non-returnable

Things to know before a griptape installation

- Griptapes are cut on the deck, so there might be some visible installation marks or imperfections while cutting it.

- Griptapes are not refundable once they’re put on a deck.

By choosing the Wild! option, you give us the pleasure of doing what we want!

The evolution of the Lucky EVO continues in 2017. We listened to the feedback from our riders and the industry and increased the width to 5" wide and the length to 21.75".

The Ferrari of scooter decks. A tribute to our original deck. The EVO is flawless and truly is a masterpiece.  

The Lucky EVO pro scooter deck has been reborn! The EVO is beefy, strong, and perfectly balanced to give you a solid feel and confidence to pull off anything. This deck is a street machine and can lock you into 5050s, backlips, and other serious tricks. Nothing can touch the EVO in terms of price, look, durability, and comfort. The EVO is for the serious rider.

The Lucky EVO Deck comes in: Black (Blake Bailor Sig), and Colbalt Blue (James Gee Sig)

Flip the deck over and you’ll be trippin at how good the deck graphics look. We not only wanted to make the scooter amazing but we wanted to have the best graphics in the industry and achieved that working with local Northwest artist, Shogo Ota.

Deck includes a SteelyBrake (installed), axle, and spacers.

The griptape and headset are sold separately.  

About Blake Bailor and James Gee