The new Fuzion line-up has dropped recently and the Z350 is a solid contender to be the best park scooter out there! Let's compare to other noteworthy light / park scooters on the market: 

. Versatyl Bloody Mary: the lightest on the market

. Ethic DTC Erawan: All time best seller for light park complete

. Envy Prodigy S9: The most sold freestyle scooter in the world


At only 7.18 lbs, it's one of the lightest complete scooters on the market. It's well balanced and comes with a bigger 5" wide deck compared to the other models here. 

. Versatyl Bloody Mary: 6.48 lbs / 4.65" wide

. Ethic DTC Erawan: 6.54 lbs / 4.49" wide

. Envy Prodigy: 7.7 lbs / 4.75" wide


This scooter is saving weight in all the perfect spots in a way that it maintains an impressive strength. Also, it is the only model in that list that comes stock with M8 axles, which means that your wheels will stay tight and you'll never strip those! Also, the clamp is nice and beefy to keep your set-up dialled AF. It even has welded front plates. 

New Fuzion Z350 Strong with M8 Axle and beefy clamp

. Versatyl Bloody Mary: Weak overall strength. Plastic front plate. Female axles.

. Ethic DTC Erawan: Decent strength. No front plates. Female axles.

. Envy Prodigy: Similar strength. Plastic front plate (good one). Female axles. 


The new 2022 models are coming in 4 different colors: Alchemy (red), Pinnacle (blue), Prophecy (gold) and serpent (silver). Each color has a different design and always on matte black. There's no better way to stay classic, but with an amazing plus. 

Fuzion Z350 different designs depending on the color

. Versatyl Bloody Mary: Simple colors and style. Except chrome / black the S2S version

. Ethic DTC Erawan: Simple colors. Matte black with some color accents. 

. Envy Prodigy: 6 different colors, all more funky then the other! No wonder it's the best seller with those looks!


To summarize, the Z350 is not the lightest scooter nor the strongest. But the balance in between strength and weight is one of the best we've seen so far and that's what makes a great park scooter! It's easy to cut weight by taking off material, but doing so while having a bigger deck and even adding strength (with the M8 axles for example) is simply a work of art! And speaking of art, the individual designs for each color is awesome and will make heads turn.

Check out the full Fuzion Z350 specifications sheet here


Also, we know that the Z350 comes in a boxed / street version, but we decided to keep that for another posts ;) 

Hope we have enlightened you in your next park complete purchase.


Stay alert for more blog posts! 

Gabriel Vinet